USA Here I come
Yep, it's true... I'm going to the USA for a couple of days, to the San Fransisco Bay Area to be precise. All for The Sims Zone. I've been 'invited' (sort of) by Maxis/EA, and they're paying my trip so I, and many other webmasters of Sims fansites, can check out The Sims 2. I get to see it, play it, and more :-) Nope, I can't wait...
Stupid Host
I hate my host. The host of Simply-Life that is. Last year(!) I sent them an email that I wanted to downgrade my account to the cheapest one. Couldn't be done: I wasn't in time, cos it had to be done 3 months before the account expired. No change, and I paid for the more expensive account. I e-mailed them a couple of times, sent them a letter too, but they never downgraded it whatsoever (didn't give me money back either). Then yesterday I suddenly got an invoice from them. And still for the account I currently have (i.e. the expensive one). I thought a year is more than 3 months??
TSZ Down? Yep!
Yes, I took The Sims Zone down. It's gonna move to a new server. Again. Why? Because the mailserver simply stopped working, and the server it's on now is going offline by the end of the month. It took me quite some trouble to get all the access I need to make the move possible, but I managed. Now all my host has to do is transfer the files and the database, then I'll have to set up a few things on the new server and then TSZ will be back. All of that should be done before the end of the month, and I expect the site to be back up on Wednesday.
Ah! Sparkly new things!
Have you seen the changes?? Yes? Good. I've updated this bit a bit, fixed some things, and added stuff like the sidebar (>>>). The archives now look ok instead of messy, comments ('CETHs') can be posted as well. Yes, this site is completely CETHy.
Hellooo! This is moi, ChEeTaH, also webmaster of The Sims Zone (where you might know me from). This is where I blog, every now and then anyway. I might post here something every so often (or not so often). I'm the owner of The Sims Zone and Simply-Life. As you might know, SL as it was is dead. I'm alive. Cool huh? For those who don't know me: I'm a Dutch teenage guy (18 years old), and I go to university, where I 'study' computer studies. I'm lazy, hence you won't find me posting here too often, and probably mostly late in the evening.

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