ChEeTaH's blog
Donation Goals module at Drupal
Yesterday I wrapped up some work I've been putting into a Drupal module recently, for a site that's probably launching before the end of the year (not putting any pressure on anyone here!). It's called "Donation Goals" and can be grabbed from the Donation Goals Project page...
Drupal Development made easier with Qt Assistant - Part 1
If you've followed my blog for even the smallest bit, you'll know I have KDE 4 as my desktop environment. I've also done quite some development (mostly messing around so far, just tContact is published) for Drupal. One of the main tools to help me during development is the Qt Assistant, which comes with Qt 4 and later. It's a fast documentation viewer, with a great index making it easy to look up all those little details about each function that's available in Qt4... or Drupal. Let me show you how I've set things up...
Oh, and if you're not that into all this techy stuff: feel free to stop reading, of course...
Looky! Fixes!
Look here! My Lovely Rosana (MissDesign) has made the site work a bit better due to some extra theming (BIG Thank you to her!). This was actually done a couple of weeks ago already. I have just fixed some old content so that it's all alright again (she had to break screenshots and the like during the updates, but they're fixed now). Some of the improvements include less flickering of the menu buttons, comments have been themed, and a whole lot more smaller fixes.
tContact at!
I've talked about it before... but today it's finally happened! I got a CVS account for a week or two ago. I postponed actually using it for a bit due to exams, but I just put it to some good use. Got a Drupal site and need your contact forms in multiple languages? Meet tContact! Version 6.x-1.0 is now officially out in the wild!
BSc Computer Science Almost Complete!
I had exams the last two weeks, one of which was for my Bachelor's degree. The last one for that degree too - just one more course which I'll have to do (online) over the summer. The course: "Semantiek & Berekeningsmodellen" ("Semantics and Computation Models"). The good news came in today: I passed. Score: 7/10. That means I'll most likely have my degree by the end of the summer. Woot! Of course, a screenshot for some proof (click to enlarge):
Where have you been?
It's been a long time again, very long. A lot has changed too, so here goes...
Contact Form Translated
Using my very own module, the contact form is now also translated in Dutch (I know, it's not really useful to tell this on the English version of the site, but I thought I'd just inform everybody). It's using my own tContact Drupal module, in which I have found a flaw and a to do. I'll have to fix those before I believe I can publish it. I'll keep you posted!
Happy New Year
Boy, it's been a while. Merry Christmas and a happy new year! Better late than never :P I've been really busy, and I'm wrapping up a too busy semester with finals now. Time for some plans...
KidDraw Progress
For the past couple of days I've spent a bit of time getting KidDraw into shape. It's not there yet, not at all, but with the foundations in place I should be able to get a nice version in KDE 4.2 (January). Screens inside!
UPS Delivery [Update 3]
So we ordered two copies of Spore's Creature Creator, mostly just to get the box and physical disc of it. Downside: it had to come from the US, GameStop to be precise, as it only popped up on British gameshops earlier this week. Today I received tracking information, with some good news: the package arrived early this morning in Eindhoven, not too far from here. Assuming it may have been slightly delayed at the airport or so (it was awaiting clearance), I hoped the truck would arrive later today with the package. Not true...

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